What will happen as of July 1st, 2025?

  • The MFEI-IDD (Medicaid Functional Eligibility Instrument – Intellectual/Developmental Disability) assessment tool will officially replace the BASIS tool for determining eligibility and support needs for all participants.
  • New waiver participants will begin receiving services based on the new updated rate structure and assessment process.
  • Existing participants will have no changes to current reimbursement rates or services levels for an additional 12 months.

What documentation requirements will be necessary for the MFEI assessment?

  • Behavior tracking will no longer be required, although it may be needed if requesting extraordinary funding. We recommend that providers continue to keep behavior tracking, even though it will not be required for the MFEI.
  • Seizure tracking and any seizures happening more often than once per month must be signed off by a doctor as occurring frequently.
  • Proof of currently prescribed medications and specific purpose for each medication.
  • The Person-Centered Support Plan (PCSP) should document the level of medical support needed.
  • Doctors must sign off on the following items:
    • Medical diagnosis within the last 12 months for any diagnosis requiring active treatment, attesting to the chronic nature of the condition
    • Type of seizure(s)
    • Documentation for inpatient hospitalizations
    • Medications and specific reason prescribed
    • Documentation of specific reason person misses regular activities
    • Orders for any special healthcare products
    • Order for special dietary requirements and any food allergies

Please keep in mind…

The new assessment will take much longer than the BASIS, perhaps taking a couple of hours to complete. It is hoped that the assessment length will shorten with time as everyone adapts to the new system.

  • Consider the individual’s comfort and if special considerations are needed due to the length of the meeting required.
  • The individual does not have to stay for the entire meeting. They may leave after specific questions have been asked of them specifically.